- Name: Rotklee-Bläuling (Polyommatus semiargus)
- Größe: 22 cm
- Gelenke: 8
- Flügelspannweite: 19 cm
- Gewicht: 173 g
- Geburtstag: 24. September 2008
"Rotklee-Bläuling" wird von seinen Bärenbrüdern Polli genannt. Das kommt von den ersten Silben seines lateinischen Namens, die sich anhören wie Polli (POLYommatus semiargus). Da er sich noch nicht über seinen neuen Spitznamen geäußert hat, weiß ich nicht, ob er ihn mag oder nicht. Natürlich hat er den Frühling und den Sommer am liebsten. Herbst und Winter sind zu kalt, um draußen zu fliegen. Er würde gerne ein neues Zuhause finden, wo er drinnen herumfliegen darf, damit er seine Figur und Fitness über Herbst und Winter halten kann. Er trainiert gerne mehrmals pro Woche. "Rotklee-Bläuling" ist ein kommunikativer Geselle, der in seinem neuen Zuhause spielend leicht neue fellige Freunde finden wird.
"Rotklee-Bläuling" ist jetzt zu seinem Schwesterchen "Wings" gezogen! Nun ist er bei Olivia in Burnaby, Kanada. Dort erwartet er viel bessere Süßigkeiten als hier in Deutschland.
See who fled the cold outside - a butterfly found its way through my opened window! I took him in, of course. He needs a warm loving home now. He definitely is a representative of the species Polyommatus semiargus (Mazarine Blue). He has got the characteristic pattern on his wings, he has got the long black and white striped antennae, his eyes show a white framing, his body is blue long pile hirsute (mohair) and his wings have a feathery white border. Well, this fellow is a bit different, yet. He has got needle sculpted feet and hands with black and white striped claws. And his beary black stitched nose shows two white stripes. He is very movable, with wrists, a double neck joint and joints in legs and arms. His wings and antennae have got a wire "sceleton" and thus can be moved, too. By the way, his wing span is a bit above average (for Blue Mazarines), it is 19 cm (7.5 "). Sheep´s wool and steel granules in his feet and belly provide him with shape and weight. Because of his bent legs, he is able to keep a good position when flying. Yet, is able to stand alone.
- Name: Mazarine Blue (Polyommatus semiargus)
- Size: 22 cm (8.66 ")
- Joints: 8
- Wing span: 19 cm (7.5 ")
- Weight: 173 g
- Birthday: 24th September 2008
"Mazarine Blue" is called Paulie by his mates. This is because of the first syllables of his latin name, which sound like Paulie (POLYommatus semiargus). As he hasn't commented on his new nickname, yet, I do not know if he likes it or not. Of course, he likes spring and summer best. Autumn and Winter are too cold to fly outside. He would love to find a new home where he is allowed to fly inside, so that he can keep his shape and fitness over Autumn and Winter. He likes to train several times a week. "Mazarine Blue" is a communicative fellow who will easily make new furry friends in his new home.
Now he joined his sister "Wings"! He will stay at Olivia´s in Burnaby, Canada. There he expects to get much better candy than here in Germany.