Nachdem meine pinken Gänseblümchen (Bellis perennis) und die pinken und orangefarbenen Primeln (Primula sp.) verblüht waren, musste einfach wieder diese Farbkombi her! Zur Zeit finde ich das einfach toll. Wie man sehen kann, ist die Hummel einer Meinung mit mir und lässt sich den süßen Nektar der Studentenblume (Tagetes erecta) schmecken :0) Kleinblütige pinke Dahlien (Dahlia sp.) bilden übrigens den Kontrast. Was haltet Ihr davon?
Dear readers, in the fashion scene, color blocking is so in, right now. As a result, fashion people combine strong colors in their outfits. Since I am not very keen on colorful outfits, I decorated my balcony instead. Now, strong pink and orange flowers make my balcony beautiful.
After my pink daisies (Bellis perennis) and the pink and orange primroses (Primula sp.) had faded, I just had to pick this colors, again! I just love it, right now. As you can see, the bumblebee agrees with me and enjoys the sweet nectar of my marigold (Tagetes erecta) :0) By the way, small pink dahlia (Dahlia sp.) contrast with the marigold. So, what do you think?
I had flowers just that colour given to me last week. Love it.